Step 1 (Optional): Select a date format. All dates will be displayed in the selected format. Default is MM/DD/YYYY, example 12/31/2023
Step 2 (Required): Pick the start date of the first development Sprint
Start Date of the first development Sprint
Start Date of the first development Sprint
Step 3 (Required): Specify duration/length of each development Sprint
Length of each Sprint
Step 4 (Required): Specify the number of Sprints
Number of Sprints
Sprint Name Prefix (Optional)
Sprint Number (Optional)
Sprint Name Suffix (Optional)
Agile development teams operate in short, time-boxed periods known as Sprints. Each Sprint has a start date, an end date, and a unique identifier. For instance:
Usually, scheduling these sprints requires repeatedly checking a calendar, especially for projects spanning numerous sprints. Imagine a project with 26 sprints; the individual working on creating the schedule would need to reference the calendar 52 times! This process involves navigating to the correct month, selecting the dates, and manually entering them into a spreadsheet or project management software.
Sprint Calendar offers even more to enhance your scheduling experience:
Start using Sprint Calendar today and save valuable time by auto-generating your sprint schedules in seconds with just a few quick clicks or taps!